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Add Subi widget in page builders apps
Add Subi widget in page builders apps

How to add Subi widget to pages you create on PageFly, GemPages, Ecomposer, etc.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can use the Subi widget SDK code to add the Subi widget to your product page template in most page builders apps.

Subi SDK Code [Subscribe and save widget]

{% assign target_product = product %}
<script id="render-subify-widget-{{ }}">
console.log("ecom product",{{ product | json }})

function createSubifyBlock(){
const parent = document.getElementById("render-subify-widget-{{ }}").parentElement;
const wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.className = "subify-app-block-wrapper product-{{ }}";
function initSubifyBlock(){
function renderWidget(){
const selector = ".subify-app-block-wrapper.product-{{ }}";
subifySdk.renderWidget({{ target_product | json }},{renderPosition:{wrapper:selector}})

Subi SDK code [Membership widget]

{% assign target_product = product %}

{% if target_product %}
id="render-subify-widget-{{ }}"
function initSubifyBlock() {
function getSubscriptionTypeSelector (subscriptionType) {
switch (subscriptionType) {
case "membership":
return 'subi-membership-app-block-wrapper';
case "fixed_bundle":
return 'subi-fixed-bundle-app-block-wrapper';
case "product_subscription":
return 'subify-app-block-wrapper';

function renderWidget() {
const product = {{ target_product | json}};
const productSubscriptionTypes ={% if specific_subscription_type != null %} ["{{ specific_subscription_type }}"] {% else %} new subifySdk.SubscriptionTypeDetector(product).getSubscriptionType(); {% endif %}

const customSetting = {% if widget_settings %} {{ widget_settings }} {% else %} { } {% endif %};

productSubscriptionTypes.forEach(subscriptionType => {
const selector = `.${getSubscriptionTypeSelector(subscriptionType)}.product-{{ }}`;

{% if specific_subscription_type == null %}
if (document.querySelector(selector)) return;
{% endif %}

switch (subscriptionType) {
case "product_subscription":
subifySdk.renderWidget(product, {
renderPosition: {
wrapper: selector

case "membership":

subifySdk.renderMembershipWidget(product, {
renderPosition: {
wrapper: selector

case "fixed_bundle":
subifySdk.renderFixedBundleWidget(product, {
renderPosition: {
wrapper: selector


if (window.subifySdk) {

} else {
window.addEventListener("subify:sdkLoaded", () => {


{% endif %}

Add Subi widget in PageFly product template:

  1. Open your product template in PageFly.

  2. From the left side menu, click on Add element.

  3. Select the HTML/Liquid element.

  4. Drag and drop the HTML element in your Product form. (preferably above your add to cart button)

  5. Select the HTML element, and From the right side menu, click on Open code editor.

  6. Paste the Subi widget SDK code into the modal and save.

  7. Make sure the template is assigned to a product that has a selling plan in Subi.

  8. Save your template.

  9. Subi's subscription widget will be added to the product template created with PageFly.
    You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel to match the look and feel of your template:

Add element:

Select the HTML/Liquid element.

Drag and drop the HTML element in your Product form. (preferably above your add to card button)

Select the HTML element, and From the right side menu, click on Open code editor.

Paste the Subi widget SDK code into the modal and save.

Subi's subscription widget will be added to the product template created with PageFly.

You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel, to match the look and feel of your template:

Add Subi widget in GemPages product template:

  1. Open your product template in GemPages.

  2. Make sure the template is assigned to a product that has a selling plan in Subi.

  3. From the left side menu, click on Element.

  4. Select the Custom Code element.

  5. Drag and drop the Custom Code element in your Product form. (preferably above your add to cart button)

  6. Select the Custom Code element, and from the left side menu, paste the Subi widget SDK code into the HTML modal.

  7. Save your template and Publish the template.

  8. Subi's subscription widget will be added to the published product template created with GemPages.
    You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel to match the look and feel of your template:


From the left side menu, click on Element:

Select the Custom Code element and drag and drop the Custom Code element in your Product form. (preferably above your add to cart button)

Select the Custom Code element, and from the left side menu, paste the Subi widget SDK code into the HTML modal:

Save your template and publish the page to view the widget.

Subi's subscription widget will be added to the product template created with GemPages. You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel to match the look and feel of your template:

Add Subi widget in Replo product template:

  1. Open your product template in Replo.

  2. Make sure the template is assigned to a product that has a selling plan in Subi.

  3. From the left side menu, click on Components.

  4. Select the Custom Code component.

  5. Drag and drop the Custom Code component in your Product form. (preferably above your add to cart button)

  6. Select the Custom Code component, and from the right side menu, click on Config.

  7. Click on Launch Code Editor.

  8. Paste the Subi widget SDK code into the Code Editor modal.

  9. Save your template.

  10. Subi's subscription widget will be added to the product template created with GemPages.
    You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel to match the look and feel of your template:


From the left side menu, click on Components:

Select the Custom Code component:

Drag and drop the Custom Code component in your Product form. (preferably above your add to cart button)

Select the Custom Code component, and from the right side menu, click on Config:

Click on Launch Code Editor, and Paste the Subi widget SDK code into the Code Editor modal.

Save your template.

Subi's subscription widget will be added to the product template created with GemPages.
You can then customize your widget from your Subi panel to match the look and feel of your template:

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